Large-area TKD map of nickel with 30 nm average grain size. IPF color-coded orientation maps showing twin boundaries down to 8 nm. Data were collected from defect-free, ultra-thin (~40 nm) samples with a maximum of three grain layers. TKD analyses conditions: 30 kV acceleration voltage, 1.6 nA beam current, and 2 nm step size.
Learn about the latest advancements in on-axis transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) and sample preparation techniques for large-area analysis. In this workshop, you will learn how to prepare electron-transparent samples with ideal characteristics for optimal TKD analysis — large area and uniform thickness. The technique employs argon ion milling, which produces samples free of structural damage and amorphization. We will also demonstrate the On-Axis TKD technique in a field emission SEM to achieve the best spatial resolution in the analysis of nanomaterials.
We will review:
The advantages of the on-axis TKD technique for crystallographic orientation mapping of nanomaterials in the SEM
How TKD provides quantitative and qualitative data on the crystallographic orientation down to 2 nm spatial resolution
Pre-conference workshop selections are made during the EMC registration process. Register at the EMC 2024 website.